Career Profile
Post-Doctoral Associate at Global Monitoring Division (NOAA) and CIRES (Colorado University). During the past 19 years, I have studied air pollution. I have been studying and estimating “a priori” emissions modeling air quality and now I’m focused on the “posteriori” emissions. Also, I have developed software in R and Fortran.
This works consists in Quantifying the Impacts of COVID-19 on CH4 Emissions in North America. Footprints are generated using hysplit for NOAA CH4 Obspack GLOBALVIEW. Then, it is used an inverse model based on carbon-tracker lagranger. I developed an R package named robspackfilter.
This work consisted in participating in the METROCLIMA estimating CO2 emissions and performing inverse modeling.
Here it was implemented the VEIN . model in North East China. The resulting manuscript was published in Atmospheric Environment Results. The inventory covered 133 pollutatns with monthly resolution.
This projected consisted in implemented different policy directions in the model VEIN, and calcualte the impact on air quality using the models eixport and WRF-Chem.