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Air pollution modeling in São Paulo using bottom-up vehicular emissions inventories

Dr. Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa. Advisor: Dra. Rita Ynoue
Foto de Prof. Dr. Fátima Andrade de São Paulo, Julho 2018


  • Pollution caused 9 million premature deaths in 2015, 16% of all deaths worldwide (LANDRIGAN et al, 2017).
  • Air pollution also affects ecosystemic services.
  • There is consensus that climate change is due to human activity (COOK et al., 2016).
  • It is crucial to understand the physical and chemical mechanism of generation of the air pollutants, the emissions.
  • Emissions inventory is the compilation of mass of pollutants released in a region.
  • The most important source of pollution in Brazilian cities are vehicles.
  • Inventories of mobile sources usually requires traffic statistics and emission factors.
  • Emission factors come from CETESB or from tunnel studies (Fátima's group).
  • These inventories have been used in different atmospheric simulation (VARA-VELA et al., 2016; ANDRADE et al., 2015).
  • Emissions inventories are usually seen as a scapegoat when simulations do not match observation (PULLES; HESLINGA, 2010).
  • Newer and better inventories would improve atmospheric studies in urban environments.
  • Emissions


    to develop a bottom-up vehicular emissions inventory model applicable for São Paulo metropolitan areas and evaluate its impacts on air pollution.

    Objective Specifics

  • Review, identify and elaborate activity traffic data and factors.
  • Construct VEIN to process traffic data, produce data-bases and maps.
  • Compile a high resolution emissions inventory for the main metropolitan regions of São Paulo.
  • Impacts of vehicules on air quality.
  • free software

    Data and materials (available)
  • Traffic simulation from Traffic Engineering Agency (CET) for Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP)..
  • Traffic simulation from Secretary of Public Transportation and Mobility (SPTRANS) for MASP..
  • Traffic counts from CET and ARTESP
  • GPS recordings from Internet databases for all regions (MAPLINK, Lab GeoProcessing Poli-USP).
  • Emission factors CETESB and speciations Fatima's group.
  • Methods






    Vehicular flow



    Emissões de NOx (t/km2/ano)




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